Admin exam management


  • 1 - Add a new question to the exam Theory - 2016.
  • 2 - Edit the question, e.g. Name, Position, Type, etc.
  • 3 - Delete a question. Be careful wit this, all versions and all translations will be deleted as well.
  • 4 - Create a new version of the question, it will contain the content of the last version.
  • 5 - Create a new version of the question and upload its content. (see advanced->export)
  • 6 - Edit content of the question.
  • 7 - The tag is a way to give more information about the version, e.g. final or initial
  • 8 - Edit the tag.
  • 9 - There are three status a version can take. A new version has status Proposal it can be edited. When accepting a version it gets the status Staged it is now not editable any more. The make a Staged version visible to the delegation it publish it and it will get the status Published.
  • 10 - Download the compiled PDF of the version.
  • 11 - Advanced actions:
    • Export: download the raw .xml file. This file can be imported later to a new version node.
    • TeX: show the raw LaTeX of the question.
  • 12 - Publish staged version to make it visible to the delegations.
  • 13 - Delete a version.
  • 14 - Accept a version. For more details look here.
  • 15 - The Position attribute to each question is used to order them in the exam.