Admin exam editor

The admin editor is launched from exam management by clicking on the edit button. Only versions having status Proposal are editable.

New Question

A new question contains an empty block Question. The exam is then constructed by adding different functional blocks (e.g. Subquestion, Paragraph, etc.) together. Each block can have different child blocks.

Overview over functionality

  • 1 - Name of the block, click here for more details about which block does what.
  • 2 - Add a new block. Not all blocks may contain all other blocks, for more details see the valid children section of the description of each block.
  • 3 - Unique id of each block. IMPORTANT: never change the id.
  • 4 - Number of points in the Question, Part or Subquestion. This information is used for the marking section of the ExamTools.
  • If the block has more attributes they are shown here as well.
  • 5 - Edit the attributes and the content of the block.
  • 6 - Delete the block.
  • 7 - Move blocks up and down with respect to each other.

View PDF

The View PDF button shows the compiled version of the question. It is good practice to compile regularly, in order to identify compilation errors as soon as possible.


In order to make a question visible to the delegation it has to be accepted. If a version is accepted it can not be changed anymore. To continue working on the question a new version has to be created. When clicking on Accept all the changes made are shown and can be revised.

  • 1 - Content of the old version of the exam.
  • 2 - Content of the new version that you currently want to accept.
  • 3 - Choose the old version (if there is more than one previous one).
  • 4 - All changes made between the two versions.
  • 5 - Stage version, by clicking here the version is accepted and will show up with status staged in the exam management. This is still not visible to the delegations. To make it visible, all staged versions can be published in the exam management.

Functional Blocks

Each block has different attributes that define its properties. IMPORTANT: Do not ever change the attribute "id"!


Main block of the question. Exists only once.

No block content.


Key Specification
points Total number of points in the whole question.

Valid children: Title Section Part Subquestion Answer Answer continuation Paragraph like blocks Box Pagebreak Latex blocks


Block content: e.g. "Large Hadron Collider (10 points)".

No attributes.

No children.


Block content: e.g. "Linear Acceleration:".

No attributes.

No children.


Block content: e.g. "Part A. LHC accelerator (6 points)".


Key Specification
points Total number of points in this part.

No children.


No block content.


Key Specification
points Number of points in subquestion.
part_nr Part the subquestion belongs to, e.g "A".
question_nr Question the subquestion belongs to, e.g "1".

Valid children: Paragraph like blocks Latex blocks


No block content.


Key Specification
points Number of points for the answer.
part_nr Part the answer belongs to, e.g "A".
question_nr Question the answer belongs, to e.g "1".
height Define space available to write the answer, e.g. "4 cm".

Valid children: Paragraph like blocks Latex blocks

Answer continuation

No block content.


Key Specification
part_nr Part the answer belongs to, e.g "A".
question_nr Question the answer belongs, to e.g "1".
height Define space available to write the answer, e.g. "4 cm".

Valid children: Paragraph like blocks Latex blocks

Paragraph like blocks


Block content: any text.

No attributes.

No children.


No block content.


Key Specification
figid id referring to figure (see Figure Management).
width Multiplier for the width of the figure, default value: "0.9".

Valid children: Figure caption Figure text

Equation / Equation*

Block content: Latex equation e.g. "I=I_0 - \frac{U}{R_\text{int}}".

No attributes.

No children.

Equation is numbered, Equation* is not.

Bullet List

No block content.

No attributes.

Valid children: List item


No block content.

Key Specification
width Number of columns in table, has to be set if columns is not set.
top_line Number of lines, default: "1".
left_line Number of lines, default: "1".
right_line Number of lines, default: "1".
grid_line Number of lines, default: "1".
columns Advanced: Used to customize columns, (do not set at same time as width)

Valid children: Table row Table caption


Draw box around another block.

No block content.

No attributes.

Valid children: Paragraph like blocks Latex blocks

Figure Caption

Block content: e.g. "Figure 1: Sketch of an accelerator module."

No attributes.

No children.

Figure Text

Block content: Text shown in figure, e.g. "transverse plane"


Key Specification
name Name referring to parameter in figure, e.g. "transverse" (see Figure Management).

No children.

List item

Block content: Item text.


Key Specification
Label Label in front of each item, (e.g. " " (space) for no bullet).
If no label set a bullet point shows up.

No children.

Table row

No block content.


Key Specification
bottom_line Number of lines, default: "1".
multiplier Repeat the row n times, default: "1".

Valid children: Table cell

Table Cell

Block content: Cell content.

No attributes.

No children.

Table Caption

Block content: e.g. "Table 1: Typical numerical values of relevant LHC parameters.".

No attributes.

No children.


Start new page.

No block content.


Key Specification
skip Do not perform the pagebreak. The purpose of this is to skip it in
specific languages (via attribute change).

No children.

Latex Blocks

These are more advanced blocks to create blocks with special properties. If possible this blocks should not be used.

Latex replacement template

No block content.


Key Specification
content TODO

Valid children: Latex replacement parameter

Latex environment

No block content.


Key Specification
name TODO

Valid children: Title Section Part Subquestion Answer Paragraph like blocks Box Pagebreak Latex blocks

Latex replacement parameter

Block content: TODO


Key Specification
name TODO

No children.